I'm telling you right now, if malls depended on people like me to make their business stay afloat, they would all go belly up real quick! I practically hyperventilate and my throat starts to close up. I get so parched, I have to pack a bottle of water.
lol I like shopping at quilt shops. I don't know why malls are different but they are. Maybe it's the size. Maybe it's the prices. It is the last place I want to be.
But last night I had to bite the bullet and go get a wedding gift for my nephew and his wife-to-be. The wedding is Saturday and I needed a gift. They are registered at Macy's and I wanted to get them a place setting of their china.
ching! But it is my sister's son and he and his wife are such wonderful kids, they are worth it. So this is the china..... (taken with my
The polka dot dish is the dessert plate. So cute, yet so pretty. I bought one place setting and was kind of surprised that they don't have any items in stock. Everything gets shipped to the happy couple. I guess it makes perfect sense, since the department had
probably a hundred different sets of china. Unless they had a huge warehouse, there would be no way they could keep everything in one department store storage room. The woman who helped me said that most brides like it this way so they aren't lugging gifts from the reception. Well, now doesn't that make perfect sense. How many times have you gone to a wedding and they're scrambling for family members to help take presents to the mom's house? That's when I want to smack my
forehead and say "Why didn't I think of that?" :o)
As I was walking around the china dept. to get to the escalator, I stumbled upon Martha. Look at these cool goodies from Martha Stewart.
I just love teal and red together. I guess good
ol' Martha must love it too! I almost bought a set of bowls but I fought the urge. I swear, the way I love kitchen bowls and gadgets, you would get the impression that I cooked once in a while, huh? Well, I don't. I just like kitchen stuff because they make such fun stuff.
My girls all love red and so do my sisters. Maybe I'll take a
Valium to take the edge off and go back to the mall and shop the Martha section a little bit. I could put it away for our Christmas
exchange and let the girls fight over it. :o)