Tuesday, June 29, 2010
40th Anniversary!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Pity Quilting
UFO #4
This is Sasquatch holding his quilt sideways.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So. California Quilt Run 2010
On Saturday, my buddy Neena and I went driving all over Southern California visiting shops on the Southern California Quilt Run, seeing what was new out there. Well, we didn't really drive all over Southern California, mostly just Orange County and some of Riverside County but at the end of the day, it sure felt like all of Southern Cal! :o) We went to 12 shops from Area 2 on the map, approximately 10:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m., ate two meals and went through one tank of gas and for me, about $80.00.
If you've never been on a quilt run or if you're not a quilter, here's the deal for the Southern Cal Run. You can read about all the prizes, the shops, see the map.... This year, the shops were giving away a jewelry charm that matched the block they created, plus we got the pattern for the block they designed. I took some pictures of the shop quilts but didn't get them all. I guess at some shops, my eyes glazed over and I forgot to take one. I'm serious! lol
The first shop we went to was Timeless Quilts in Anaheim. Timeless has downsized from a renovated house to a detached garage on the property. It's not very big but the owner Arlene does a nice job of having cute stuff in there and unless you look at the doors, you don't feel like you're in a garage either.
This is the shop quilt they made with the quilt run blocks. I love basket blocks so I might actually try to make a quilt using the free patterns. Neena and I found a cute fabric and it seemed like there wasn't much on the bolt so we asked if they have an "empty the bolt" discount, which they did. We split the fabric, which was about two yards so we each got one. The first of many purchases. And you have to love a store that has cherry curtains, right? :o)
From Timeless, we took a loooooong drive to A Time to Sew in Laguna Hills. The map said 22 miles. Seemed like forever to get to it. I didn't get a picture of their quilt sample but Neena really liked this quilt stand in the back of the store. I think we ought to get her husband to start mass producing them for all of her friends. :o) Oh, and did you notice that cherry quilt? Yeah, me too!
The next store was Flying Geese Fabrics in Tustin. Boy, I love that Lakehouse fabric. Yummmmy!! They had a kit for this quilt but I was afraid to look at the price. lol I couldn't resists buying a fat quarter pack of the pink and white fabrics though. So pretty!
From there, we went to Bear's Quilt Shop in Garden Grove but that store, unfortunately, does nothing for us. They weren't included in the last run because of the comments people left on their survey.... a dog in the shop that scared the beegeebees out of you when you walked in, dirty warehouse, old fabrics, etc. The "powers that be" gave them a chance to clean up their act and participate again and the store was cleaner but they have no wow factor. In my opinion they need more help than a broom. It's owned by two men. Maybe they need the female touch. I don't know but Neena nailed it as we walked to the car....."I never want to go to this store again."
From there we went to another Garden Grove store, The Quilt Cupboard. It was pretty busy and this 30's quilt was the shop quilt. Pretty cute but I REALLY liked the cherry one in ME fabrics next to it. Ohhhhh, where could I put that quilt???? What, you can't see it? I'll fix that! Here it is. Ooooooh, don't you love those colors. Red and yellow. I must be going through a phase....another one....again! lol
At this point our stomachs were panging and begging for something to eat. Hard to believe since we downed cookies at just about every shop we hit so far. hehe We did a drive-thru so we wouldn't have to waiver from our shopping adventure. No one should hold a little food stain on our t-shirt against us, right? :o)
From Garden Grove, we drove to Brea to Cozy Cottage Fabrics. There was some cute stuff in the shop and Kris, the owner was working so I got to chat with her a bit. Must be why I didn't get one stinkin' picture of the shop or their shop quilt! I'm so easily distracted. They had the cutest dang line of Halloween fabrics by the door that I was oogling over. They have an Accucut so they create their own charm packs and I had to have some. Two as a matter of fact. Just in case one charm pack wouldn't do it. Do "what", I don't know but I'm sure I needed two. LOL I showed two of my daughters and they both said it was a good decision. We're kind of enablers that way. ;o)
Off to The Calico House who moved to a new location just down the path from their old spot. A nice big store with an awesome classroom with the most comfortable chairs you've ever put your backside in!!! We all tried them and decided we might have to go back just to sit in those chairs again.
We were started to feel the long day here and were getting tuckered out but had to keep going. I'm thinking those chairs ruined us. From here we went to Quilter's Garden, also in a new location. They were so cramped before and the new store is very open and roomy. It was a little hard to find but once you've been there, you would know they are around back of the shopping center.
To try and wrap up this post, the next four shops we hit were Stars & Scraps Quilt Shop in Corona, Quilter's Cocoon in Riverside, The Fabric Patch in Montclair and Ginger's Quilt Shop in Upland.
I love Stars & Scraps. They have lots of really cute kits, they carry a lot of Moda and some really nice stained muslin for that 'primitive' quilting and the staff and owner are very nice. It's worth making the drive out there once in a while. I'm supposed to go out again on Sunday, again with Neena and with Susan. Since the shops are only open until 5:00, we'll have to make the most of our time. And we want to hit some shops in Area 1 but that section is surrounded by big city traffic so we'll see how we do. And don't you worry, I'll tell you all about it.....whether you want to hear it or not! LOL
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Giveaway at Quilt Hollow
If you do sign up to win, will you please say you saw the contest from BusyLiz so I can qualify to win a prize? Thanks bunches and good luck to us all!
Argh......you know 4th of July is going to be (and those warm temperatures) before we know it. Where is this year going!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Size does matter!
Do you love mini things? Little things like miniature sewing machines, or like those Tupperware magnets that look like the real size bowls but they're itty bitty and oh so cute? I can't help myself. The other day I was at the dollar spot at Joann's and found little silver pots and pans, like for a child to play make believe but they were so stinkin' cute because they look just like the big ones mommy uses? Well, I like all of that kind of stuff. And that's why my house is a cluttery mess!! Too much stuff but I can't help myself.
I know a couple of people who are big USC fans. The other day I was in a paper store and saw these adorable napkins. They are about 4" tall and you can obviously use them to clean your hands or face but you can also stand them up to use as table decor. I bought a pack for my friend and now I need to go back and get another couple of packages for other peeps who asked for them.
And how about over sized things like my big buttons from Joann's last year? I saw they have them out again along with some other cute sewing room accents. Run to your nearest Joann's and get some cuteness of your own.
Are you in to recycling? Look at this. This is the lid to my boss's soup bowl she was heating up for lunch one day.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sasquatch Quilt
Monday, June 7, 2010
Birthday Pennant
Last night, my youngest daughter Ashley and her co-worker Jenny came over. Jenny wanted to make a birthday pennant for her one year old daughter's birthday so they came over to have a work party and we got to work. Jenny picked the cutest fabrics from Joann's. Very sweet and girly and something she can use for years as her little one grows up. It went pretty smoothly except I forgot to have her get bias tape to sew onto the top edge to attach to the pennant pieces but it worked out okay. The girls ran over to Michael's and picked up red ribbon. I actually think the ribbon looked better than bias tape would have.
We used my Sizzix machine and I borrowed my friend Neena's pennant die cut template from Stampin' Up! Jenny started ironing the Heat n Bond to the fabric and then passed the torch to Ashley so she could start cutting the pennant pieces. Look at these cute colors!
Little Blooms
I sandwiched the top at Lake Arrowhead a couple of weekends ago. I marked the flowers before sandwiching it. I stitched in the ditch with my Juki while at the condo and only got one flower stitched. So yesterday I spent some time cleaning up my sewing room and then dove into stitching the little blossoms.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Busy weekend
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Join us for a beach house retreat in Sunny Cal!

This photo is from several years ago. We did a mystery project and most everyone finished their top by the end of the retreat. (This is the balcony of the second floor of the house.)
I have til the end of the month for this UFO Challenge I'm in. I started quilting another quilt while in Lake Arrowhead. I wonder if I could get it done? I'm a pokey little puppy so who knows. Guess it's worth a try........
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Antique Mall and Swap Meet Shopping
I doubt she is very old and perhaps there is no value, except for to me. I walked past her twice and while on another aisle, I told Isabel, "I think I need to buy that chicken." Being a supportive sister she agreed I needed to have it. hehe I thought I would put it on my kitchen counter but I need to clean up and put some things away first. Until then, she can keep an eye on things from the table. :o)
***Insert card making here, from yesterdays post some sleep and then onto Sunday.***
Sunday, Kelley, Richard and I went to Long Beach Veteran's Antique Swap Meet. Kind of some good stuff and kind of some junk. I guess you get that with any antique swap meet. Kelley and I laughed when we saw a set of horns that must've measured 6' across. I don't know what animal they were from but what's funnier is we saw a man loading them into his pick-up truck when we were leaving. It just tickled us that there's somebody out there to buy just about anything!