We had blocks stacked in the backyard but not in use so we had the gardener stack them up against the back wall to create a planter. (I'm getting too old for that kind of stuff!!). We didn't have a way to cut the blocks so they aren't staggered like they should be but that's okay. I got some flowering plants that will stay green all year (if my brown thumbs stay away) but are all in bloom now. We also planted some annuals for added color. I can't wait for everything to fill in. The tree on the left is an apricot and the one on the right is a peach. Yum! Probably only have to wait two years to get some fruit! :o(
Besides all of the work in the garden, I made new cushions for the patio set. I was trying to figure out a way to make them without attaching them to the wooden base my husband cut out for me two years ago but stapling the fabric down was easiest. I guess I'll just make new cushions every couple of years or until I figure out a way to do it without attaching them to the plywood. I got the fabric at Joann's with a coupon and reused the foam. So for about $15.00, I got pretty new cushions.
Now that all the yard stuff is done, I need to pull the fabric out for those bridesmaid bags I need to make. I put them up when I was doing all this other stuff but I guess it worked out okay. The wedding isn't until November and now when it's 100 degrees and too hot to be outside, I can sit in my air conditioned house and sew away the hours. :o)