Sunday I tackled some more parts of my current project, my Star Studded quilt. You might getting tired of hearing about this one. It's taking me a long time to get it done. I hope I don't get tired of looking at it before it's finished since it's supposed to go on my bed! LOL
Yesterday I got the sashing done and two outer borders. I laid it on the dining room table to spray it with a mist of water to get the blue marker off and let it dry under the ceiling fan. It was late so I turned off the dining room light to go to bed and in the dark, the lamp from the living room created a great glow so you could see the quilting on the top. Of course, I put the breaks on and took a couple of pictures. Hopefully, you can see it all - the stitch in the ditch around all the blocks, the small vine in the sashing, the quilt motif in the blocks.

I sandwiched this on the table so I'm not sure why it's so rippled. Maybe I made it too taught or not tight enough. Anyway, here's a great picture of the block design.

The cornerstones are kind of puffy so I thought about doing an "X" in them and my sister suggested doing an echo 1/4" inside the seams. I think I'll do that instead. Sheesh, another part to quilt!!!! I have the seminole border to do, which I think I'll stitch in the ditch around the red paisley squares and have to order another roll of Quilting by the Roll for the outer green border. My sis gave me the one she had but it was just enough for one border. THEN I'll be finished!!!! Well, except for binding, label, washing............ How did the pioneer women EVER finish a quilt!??