I know I've been missing but as usual, there is a good reason. Besides the fact that I'm trying to clean and shop for Thanksgiving, I let my girlfriends talk me into a trip up to Lake Arrowhead for a little retreat. (I'm sure glad they did!!!)
Here we are looking like some deer looking at headlights while waiting for the camera on the timer to take our picture! lol Neena, me, Sherrie and Susan had so much fun. We laughed and carried on and ate and ate and ate. I guess we were gearing up for Thanksgiving. LOL

I was able to keep my nose to the grindstone and get some projects done. The first one is a panel you might've seen in your local quilt shops. I've seen it everywhere. I trimmed the panel just after the holly leaves and added the red and cream checked border. Susan did the same thing on her top and gave me her leftover fabric. She shares very nicely. :o) Now to quilt it. I might just stitch in the ditch and meander the main part and border so I can get it hung up this Christmas. Nothing fancy for this little hanging.

Then I got four sets of potholders done for Christmas gifts. It was nice to be able to get some of that fabric that's been sitting around made into something useful. They are various sizes depending on how much fabric I had. The fat quarters didn't give me enough fabric to make very big potholders but they're good enough and I think they're cute.

Then my boss asked me for a quilt for Christmas made from this Hoffman fabric with motifs from Fullerton High School. She bought an entire bolt of the fabric since it is her and her husband's alma mater and now her daughter is going there. I didn't want to cut up the fabric because it's kind of a big design and I thought I would lose the designs so I just put 6" borders on it. I will have to check my stash and see if I have some flannel for the back.

I got this little quilt (that I worked on the last sewing day at Curves) squared up and put the rickrack on it. I think I'll give it as a gift but not sure yet. I got the backing at the quilt shop on Friday when we stopped on the way to the condo. I had filled my frequent shopper card the last time we were up there so it was nice to spend it this time.

The last thing I got done was to work on four cherry tart pincushions for an exchange my daughter is hosting. There are five ladies who will make some craft item and she will swap them out on Thanksgiving day when we're all together.
I might not get another chance to check in before Thanksgiving. I'm having 26 of my nearest and dearest family over so there are lots of things to do to prepare for that. I hope that you have a blessed Thanksgiving!