Do you have a favorite cookbook or two? When my daughters were in a co-op participation preschool, we did this cookbook. By the way, these preschoolers are now 29, 27 and 24!!! The cookbook doesn't look to bad for being 23 years old, does it?

Truth is, we had so many we had to sell so this is one of my copies. I think I ended up with three of them. Good thing too because my friend Sherrie lost hers several years ago and I was able to give her a replacement. One of the recipes I shared in here was the Texas Sheet Cake my MIL always made for birthdays. I didn't know it had a name back then so in the book it's called Chocolate Cake. How clever huh?
And Saturday was National Scrapbook Day (NSD). I had a few friends over for a little crop. We had lots of yummy stuff to eat, like big fresh strawberries, Texas Sheet Cake, little lemon cakes (that were delicious) from Costco. I "highly" recommend them! We had healthy stuff like salads and dip, veggies and chicken wings, too!
I love living in CA in the springtime. Well, I love living here MOST of the time but in the spring, we get big, red strawberries that are so delicious! I put the cake in little cupcake papers so the girls could help themselves and those little lemon cakes....did I mention the lemon cakes were delicious? LOL

This are was the Sizzex spot......

This area was the Cricuit spot. I have the little Cricuit and my daughter Stephanie has the big one, shown here.

It seemed to take us forever to finish a page because none of us have scrapbooked in a long, long time. We sort of had scrapping block! Quilting has kind of taken priority. But once we got started, we did pretty good. I was able to get the last few pages done in my Family album. I got some extra pictures of my dad so I had to get those in there. It is done. Yay. Now onto the thousands of pictures I have in shoeboxes in the closet! Argh.
The Creative Memories lady came over and did a little demo on digital scrapbooking but I'm not sure I'm sold on it yet. Stay tuned on that opinion!
And **yawn**......does anyone else HATE daylight savings time? Yawn....Argh, it messes me all up!