First things first. Thank you to anyone and everyone who ever served in the military of the United States of America. Thank you for my freedom! Thank you for your bravery. I wanted to make sure to say something in appreciation before I got to yackin'.
Now onto my very busy weekend.......
My mom was at my house for a few days before she went to make her rounds with my other two sisters. This gives my kid sister a break. My mom will be back for Thanksgiving....which will be here WAY before I'm ready! lol
This is Sara on the left and my mom on the right. Sara is my friend, Nora's mom. I met Nora in the 2nd grade so we've known each other for-e-ver which means our mom's have known each other for some forty some odd years too! When Nora heard my mom was coming over, she thought it would be great for them to see each other and visit since it's been years since they've seen each other. You never know when you'll get another opportunity to get mom's together again so it was a photo op. :o) Sara is 74 and my mom just turned 80! We should all be so lucky to look this good, huh?
After my sister left with my mom and Nora and her mom left, little Ashley, my surrogate granddaughter, came over. I barely had time to wipe the crumbs from lunch off the table! Ashley and I made home made playdo from the cookbook I've had since my 20-something year old daughters were in preschool! It's got some good "food" recipes in it too but I like having a place to look for recipes for fun stuff like playdo and goop. Ashley loved it and it helped me have some sit down time. Man, she wears me out!

Okay, so all of that was on Saturday! I KNOW!!! LOL That's how I felt too!!! Ashley stayed the night and her parents picked her up on Sunday. Thennnnn, my oldest daughter, Kelley came over to play! We got Kelley a gocco printing machine for her birthday in May but she hadn't made time to play with it. (I tried to find a link but they were all sites that had them for sale. If you're curious, you can google it.) Well, with a little prodding from me, she brought it over, unpacked it and drew a little picture to print. Here's the machine and her little elf drawing.

Go check out
Kelley's blog to see what they look like printed. They're so cute! Once you draw your design or copy something from clipart, you can ink up the mat and print about 80 copies. So it's something she can use to make cards and maybe sell some of her designs.
Then I came back to work on Monday to rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)