This is what I saw when I got in my car today. EEEK!!! I don't think that's accurate but it was still shocking to see. I was going to pick up some lunch and felt like I was in an oven. Now I know what a turkey feels like! LOL

My buddy Sherrie had this old suitcase. When she bought it, it had blue and mauve birdhouses on it. (I wish I would've taken a before picture but I didn't think of it. DOH!) Her decorating style has gone more primitive and deeper colors, like burgundy, gold and black. She asked my artsy daughter Kelley to paint it. She did the basecoating, the background, saltbox and willow trees. She asked me to do the house so I added some shading, the windows and some details like the star on the roof, numbers on the house and smoke from the chimneys. (chimnies?) Oh well. I'm just waiting for her to come back over with her gummy eraser so we can erase the pencil marks and then I think we'll add some stain to it and grubby it up some. Maybe I'll just drag it through the dirt. :o)
And last night was our sewing night but nobody could get together. I have a million other things started but I cut out most of the pieces for the Lakehouse quilt, Afternoon Tea, me and my daughter Stephanie want to make. Such cute fabric! I think I have enough fabric left over for a couple small baby quilts, which I think would be adorable. I guess I'll just cut those out too so they're ready to go, whenever that will be. I only need to live to be oh, say about 120 years old to get all these things done that I've got started! Sigh..........

HEY! I almost forgot. What's today's date.......08/08/08. (And it rhymes too!) I won't see that again in my lifetime! How special for anyone born today.